GREEN LOCK - Non accredited

GFG Alliance Green Lock - Isolation Leader
Please note course is not Nationally Recognised Accredited Training

Course Objective

Learn the process for conducting a complex isolation in accordance with QP 29.20 (Isolation for personal protection). This includes conducting a hazard assessment, reviewing and completing the required paperwork. isolating a piece of plant or equipment, activating a central isolation board, directing isolating and protected personnel during and at the completion of the isolation, restoring plant or equipment to normal operations and completing all the required paperwork to complete the isolation.

Course Prerequisites
Yellow Lock Isolation must be completed prior to Green Lock training.
OME_Green Lock Isolation Theory located on INX System must be completed prior to attending training
Course Content
 Plan for Isolation
Activate Isolation
De-activate Isolation  
Practical Demonstration

Successfull completion will be submitted to Workforce Development Group - GFG Alliance to update INX system

Duration: 2 hours
Cost: $200 per person
Please contact our office to organise a time

Fees must be paid in full before the course date or payment arrangement in place.

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